44 2033180199

Pulsus: A Platform where you can work and learn

Posted on: Aug 25, 2019

Employee Name: Devashish Kumar, Assistant Managing Editor


It is a good place to start carrer with. It is a very diverse place where you will find people from different regions and religion who work together with full enthusiasm and joy. Colleagues are very helpful. You will learn a lot of things like how to manage things/work effectively, team work, how to complete the work within the deadline. If you are willing to work you can make a lot of money apart from your salary (lucrative incentive policy). Overall, I would say your peronality amd managerial skills will be enhanced. I recommend this organization to new comers/freshers to start their career.

Company Profile

Established in the year 1984, Pulsus was focusing on American region and presently expanding to healthcare informatics platform to the medical and pharma professionals throughout Europe, America, Asia, Australia and all other continents. Since its inception, Pulsus received the endorsements of the medical associations and industries of the international reputation. This support allowed Pulsus Group to gain excellent reputation from the scientific and industrial community and able to bridge relations between industries and practicing physicians..View More»
