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Journal of Clinical Psychology and Cognitive Science

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Editorial Policies

Pulsus  Group aims to inform and help physicians, scientists, health care providers and those in related  professions advance quality and innovation in patient care.  Pulsus Group is committed to fostering education,  and  meaningful  exchange  of  information  and  commentary  to  help  create  an  environment  for constructive  criticism,  free  exchange  of  ideas,  and  earnest  contribution  to  the  field  and  the  scientific  literature. Pulsus Group expects authors to adhere to the highest standards of integrity in research, and the communication of research results and findings. Pulsus Group is committed to the protection of intel-lectual  property. Reviewer  team  members  will  not  use  ideas  from  or  show  another  individual(s)  the  manuscript or supplementary materials they have been asked to review without the explicit permission of  the  manuscript’s  author,  obtained  through  the  Editors-in-Chief  or  Associate  Editors.  Pulsus  Group  expects  all  submissions  to  include  data,  analysis  and  commentary  that  are  honestly  and  accurately  reported  according  to  the  accepted  best  practices  of  scholarly  publishing,  and  congruent  with  Pulsus’s  mission  statement  to  publish  the  work  of  medical/scientific  researchers  in  a  manner  that  exemplifies the highest  standards  in  research  integrity.


Conflicts of interest may arise in a variety of situations and, therefore, the author is required to inform the Editor-in-Chief of such conflict. A conflict of interest may exist when a manuscript under review puts forth a position contrary to the reviewer’s published work, or when a manuscript author or reviewer has a  substantial  direct  or indirect  financial  interest  in  the  subject  matter  of  the  article.All authors  must  disclose  any  commercial  associations  or  other  arrangements  (eg,  financial  compensation 
received,  pat-ent-licensing  arrangements, potential to profit, consultancy, stock ownership, etc) that may pose a con-flict of interest in connection with the article. This information will be made available to the editor and reviewers, and may be included as a footnote at the editor’s discretion Because it is the Journal’s policy to engage in a double-blind review process, a conflict of interest may also exist when a reviewer knows the author of a manuscript. The reviewer should consult the appropriate Editor-in-Chief in such situations to decide whether to review the manuscript. A conflict of interest does not exist when an author disagrees with a reviewer’s assessment that a problem is unimportant or disagrees with an editorial outcome.





Google Scholar citation report
Citations : 11

Journal of Clinical Psychology and Cognitive Science received 11 citations as per Google Scholar report
