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Journal of Modern and Applied Physics

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Dilating Loop Relativity: An Examination of Gluon Field Excitation as the Initiating Cause of Time Dilation, Gravity and Dark Matter

Author(s): Andrew B. Evans*

Relying on known concepts of general relativity and quantum field theory, and using the Maxwell and Schwarzschild equations, this paper will investigate how charged gluon spin and subsequent excitation of the chromo electric field surrounding a gravitational mass result in the dilation of the particulate space of loop quantum gravity and the concurrent dilation of time; generally known as the warping of spacetime, which of course is gravity itself. This paper will also show that for any moving object the bow shock wave in the gluon field generates an analogous excitation of the field, leading to kinetic time dilation and a new definition of dark matter. Furthermore, this paper will show that the gravitational behavior of a warped spacetime model based on a weather low pressure system is more appropriate than the commonly envisioned bowling ball in a trampoline. Finally, this paper will present a method of testing and proving the theory using frozen hydrogen, polarized with respect to the internal gluon spin.

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