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Clinical Cardiology Journal

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Editorial on clinical cardiology studies

Author(s): Sai Sravani Botcha Venkata

Clinical cardiology is considered to have begun when a little-known 17th-century physician named John Floyer (AD 1649-1734) became captivated with the pulse. The arterial pulse had long been used in physical examinations before Floyer. Clinical Cardiology is the branch of medicine which deals with the diagnosis and treatment of heart diseases. There are three main types of cardiology: invasive, non-invasive, and interventional. In clinical cardiology, heart function analysis is essential for patient management, disease diagnosis, risk assessment, and treatment decision. The identification of right and left-sided cavities, as well as main arteries, is a crucial step in the diagnosis of heart illness in clinical cardiology. Medical imaging is a noninvasive diagnostic tool that can be used to analyze cardiac anatomy and detect pathological alterations in disease states such dilated cardiomyopathy, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, and right ventricular dysfunction.

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Citations : 16

Clinical Cardiology Journal received 16 citations as per Google Scholar report
