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Hasad is an Arabic word which has been used in Holy Quran with different meanings, according to context. It’s widely accepted substitute in English, envy, has been discussed as two forms: (a) Decent or benign which is a morally laudable approach, with productive and motivational tendencies. It is also called Ghibtah. (b) Malicious which is a morally reprehensible approach with frustrating and negative feelings. Its Arabic equivalent is Hasad Khabees. Shamatah is malicious joy over the misfortune of others. Its English equivalent is Schadenfreude. Whereas, the actuating force or the inciting factor for schadenfreude is malicious envy, there is basic difference between the two. Malicious envy causes us pain (of someone else's good fortune) while the Schadenfreude gives us pleasure (of someone else's misfortune). Both deadly sins have been condemned in the sacred texts of all the major world religions. To be saved from their detrimental psychological and spiritual outcomes one needs to embrace concept of “loving of goodness for others” and 'loving of prevention of harm from others”.