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Journal of Modern and Applied Physics

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RLC electrical modelling of black hole and early universe. Generalization of Boltzmann's constant in curved space-time

Author(s): Hector Gerardo Flores*

Here we mathematically model black holes and the early universe following dynamics similar to RLC electrical models, focusing on their similarities at the singularity. We use this mathematical modelling to hypothesize the evolution of an expanding universe as the result of a black hole collapse followed by its evaporation. Our model consists of several steps defined by: (1) the formation of a black hole following general relativity equations; (2) the growth of the black hole modelled as a resistance-capacitance-like electrical circuit; (3) expansion of space-time following the disintegration of the black hole, modelled by RLC-like dynamics. In updating this article, version 2, we will expand by presenting three additional examples related to the theory of the generalization of Boltzmann's constant in curved space-time and the theory of general and especial relativity. We will calculate the critical mass to produce a black hole in the LHC, the existence of a high temperature Bose-Einstein condensate and finally we will demonstrate the existence of a tangential force to the repulsion force in the disintegration of subatomic particles. In the update of this article, version 3, we will expand to develop two examples. First, we will present the relationship between M-theory, extra dimensions with the theory of the generalization of Boltzmann's constant in curved space-time. Secondly, we will propose the idea of updating the Lambda-CDM model, considering the primordial gravitational waves to correctly describe the evolution of the universe.

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