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Department of Microbiology, Abbottabad University of Science & Technology, Pakistan


  • Review   
    Aflatoxins a one health concern
    Author(s): Isaac Byarugaba* and Ahmad Faizan

    Aflatoxins are toxins biosynthesized by fungi Aspergillus flavus & Aspergillus parasiticus. They are colorless, cannot be detected under normal light, they are odorless and contaminated foods most often do not have any special or bad smell. Environmental factors such as the temperature, vectors causing grain damage have a significant impact on favoring the colonization of fungi and production of aflatoxins. They contaminate agriculture products worldwide affecting their quality, safety & security. The effects on safety & security cause health threats among people and animals on their long term exposure through consumption because they are mutagenic, teratogenic, genotoxic, and carcinogenic. Information associated with the production of aflatoxins in agriculture products in most developing countries like Uganda is still lacking due to lack of public awareness on aflatoxins .. Read More»
    DOI: DOI:10.37532/PULBECR .2022.4(4).23-25.
