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Editorial Office, Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Disease, Windsor, United Kingdom


  • Opinion   
    Examining the immune environment of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma lesions using a skin liquid biopsy technique
    Author(s): Robert Klein*

    The background concentration of metals and other environmental contaminants has risen recently. Because of genetic or epigenetic changes, early-life exposure to pollutants may determine a person's susceptibility to chronic diseases as they mature. This review's goal was to find a connection between exposure to Potentially Toxic Metals (PTMs) during pregnancy and in the first few months after birth and harmful effects on the offspring's genetic make-up. Infertility and miscarriage, obstetric outcomes like preterm delivery and low birth weight, neurodevelopmental delay like autism and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and adult and children cancer are the main effects of toxic exposures connected to reproductive and developmental health. As, Cd, and Pb were the most frequently tested PTMs. Telomere length, gene or protein expression, mitochondrial DNA content, metabo.. Read More»
    DOI: 10.37532/puljcmid.2022.5(5).49-50
