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Editorial Office, Journal of Biomedical Engineering Current Research, Windsor, United Kingdom


  • Commentary   
    Human usage of an endoscope
    Author(s): Ross Wilson*

    This study discusses the current state and potential applications of infrared ray endoscopy, autofluorescence endoscopy, and image processing and analysis as new tools for gastrointestinal cancer. The histological categorization of early gastric cancer is achievable based on the spectroscopic properties. Spectroscopic measurements utilizing an endoscopic spectroscopic system are beneficial for differentiating between benign and malignant gastric mucosal lesions. Early gastric cancer's depth of invasion can be accurately determined by infrared ra- -y electronic endoscopy. Additionally, certain antibodies can mark cancer cells and produce a fluorescent signal potent enough to be detected by an infrared fluorescence endoscope when used with an indo cyanine green derivative. We examine the potential growth and assessment of autofluorescence endoscopy and suggest a system change that w.. Read More»
    DOI: 10.37532/PULBECR .2022.4(3).20-21.
