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Editorial Office, Journal of Biomedical Engineering Current Research, Sydney, Australia


  • Commentary   
    Biochemical engineering and its tool
    Author(s): Tom David*

    Cells convey and process information through intricate networks of interacting molecules. These "computational devices of live cells" control a variety of crucial cellular functions, such as signal transduction and cell-cycle regulation. Here, we talk about how sensitive the networks are to changes in their biological characteristics. We suggest a method for basic signal transduction networks to adapt robustly. We demonstrate how this mechanism specifically pertains to bacterial chemotaxis. This is shown in a mathematical model that unifies the explanation of several facets of chemotaxis, including appropriate reactions to chemical gradients. Changes in serotonin turnover have received attention as one of the biological co-morbidities of depression for a number of years. Low serotonin levels in the brains of suicide victims are one source of evidence supporting the neurotran.. Read More»
    DOI: DOI:10.37532/PULBECR .2022.4(4).26-27.
