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It’s so important to make sure you take good care of your body, mind, and soul every day, not just when you get sick. Practicing self-care isn’t always easy. Most of us are crazy busy, have stressful jobs, or are too consumed with technology to make time for ourselves. Me-time is usually last on the agenda. Worse, we can sometimes feel guilty about taking the time required to take care of ourselves. So getting started with self-care can be challenging. Fortunately, there are many things you can do to engage in self-care. To start, take this well-being quiz to learn which self-care strategies may be especially helpful for you. You can also read about self-care strategies, join self-care programs, or work with a coach or therapist who can help support your progress. No matter which approach you choose, the goal is to figure out which self-care strategies work best for you, learn how to use these strategies, and implement them in your regular routine so you can boost your well-being not only today but forever. Sleep can have a huge effect on how you feel both emotionally and physically. Not getting enough can even cause major health issues. But stress and other distractions can wreak havoc on our sleep.It’s so important to make sure you take good care of your body, mind, and soul every day, not just when you get sick. Practicing self-care isn’t always easy. Most of us are crazy busy, have stressful jobs, or are too consumed with technology to make time for ourselves. Me-time is usually last on the agenda. Worse, we can sometimes feel guilty about taking the time required to take care of ourselves. So getting started with self-care can be challenging. Fortunately, there are many things you can do to engage in self-care. To start, take this well-being quiz to learn which self-care strategies may be especially helpful for you. You can also read about self-care strategies, join self-care programs, or work with a coach or therapist who can help support your progress. No matter which approach you choose, the goal is to figure out which self-care strategies work best for you, learn how to use these strategies, and implement them in your regular routine so you can boost your well-being not only today but forever. Sleep can have a huge effect on how you feel both emotionally and physically. Not getting enough can even cause major health issues. But stress and other distractions can wreak havoc on our sleep.

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