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Signaling is considered as the transfer of data from one place to another place.  cell signaling occurs when an extracellular signaling particle starts the particular receptor that is found on the surface of the cell or inside the cell. When the signal is received, the receptor triggers a biochemical chain inside the cell. This is considered as a response given by the cell. There are numerous cells and depending on each cell the reaction changes accordingly. The reaction modifies on the cell can be of gene expression, change in shape, cell metabolism, and ability to separate. The signaling comprises the molecular aspects of cell signaling without receptors, phosphatases, transcription factors, G-proteins, and kinases. The transcription factors include the regulation in the cell apoptosis, differentiation, proliferation, and oncogenesis in the mammalian cells. 

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Journal of Clinical Diagnosis and Treatment received 1 citations as per Google Scholar report

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