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Journal of Cancer & Metastasis Research

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Evaluation of the use of Autologous Fibrin Glue on Seroma Reduction after modified radical mastectomy in women with breast cancer

Joint Event on 2nd World Congress on BREAST CANCER & CANCER SCIENCE AND THERAPY

September 16-17, 2019 | Edinburgh, Scotland

Sara Salem

Suez Canal University, Egypt

ScientificTracks Abstracts: J Can Res Metastasis

Abstract :

Introduction: Breast cancer is the second most common cancer in the world. It represents 35.1 % of total female cancer cases in Egypt. Seroma is one of the most serious and common complications of mastectomy, it delays wound healing and increases susceptibility to infection and skin flap necrosis. Use of fibrin glue was based on the hypothesis that fibrinolytic activity in serum and lymph might contribute to fluid accumulation.

Methods: Sixty patients were prepared for modified radical mastectomy. Of those, the study group contains 30patients and the control group contains 30 patients. Study group used the autologous fibrin glue with the drains , while the other had only the ; total drain outputs were recorded daily for all patients prior to drain removal. The drains were removed when the daily drainage was less than 30 ml for 3 consecutive days.

Results: This study contains 60 patients, the study group contains 30 patients, and the control group contains 30 patients. Age, pathology, number of lymph nodes and tumor size were of no significant differences to be more concise on the effect of fibrin glue. Comparison in median days to drain removal showed 8 days reduction in the study group. While in the total volume of drain output, patients using fibrin glue has significantly lower cumulative drain output volume with a mean of ( 505.6 ± 209.3 ) than those who didn’t use it with a mean of (1674.1± 1373.8). Also comparison of the postoperative follow up days between the two groups shows that patients using fibrin glue after operation has significantly lower postoperative follow up(8.5 (7 - 10) than those who didn’t use it compared with the group who didn’t use fibrin glue15 (10- 23).

Conclusions: Fibrin glue usage is a valuable procedure that significantly decreases seroma post modified radical mastectomy.

Biography :

Sara has completed her MD at the age of 28 years from Suez Canal University, Faculty of medicine, Egypt.

E-mail: drsarasalem91@yahoo.com

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Citations : 1

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