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Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology Reports

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Healthcare professionals and covid-19: Possibilities of recognizing the professional nature of the disease

4th International Webinar on Clinical Microbiology and Immunology

October 27, 2021 WEBINAR

Meryem. Bouchalta

Assistant professor of Forensic Medicine, Morocco

ScientificTracks Abstracts: Microbiology and Biotechnology Reports

Abstract :

Since the start of this health crisis, health professionnals has been the first bulwark against the spread of the coronavirus. All time in contact with infected or suspect patients, these white coat soldiers were the most exposed professional category to the risks of contamination. In this regard, the world health organization recommended - in a press release dated March 23, 2020, the management of the disease caused by the Covid-19 for employees in the medical sector, under professional legislation, but also for all professional sectors exposed to the risk of contamination. In Morocco, the Ministry of Health has published on April 6, on its official website, a condolence statement intended for the families of the first two doctors who died after their contraction of the coronavirus while specifying that the cause of death of the two doctors is not due to the exercise of their professional functions. The Minister of Labor and Professional Integration has recently charged an internal commission to undertake a reflection on this issue. At present, given the Moroccan legal base, what are the possibilities of recognizing the professional nature of the disease caused by the coronavirus?.

Biography :

Meryem. Bouchalta, is a forensic doctor has her expertise in the assessment of physical damage relating to various traumas, violence or illness in the professional context, having worked as a specialist assigned to southern Morocco and nominated in 2021 as assistant professor of forensic medicine in the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy of Fes, her passion for the discipline forming a bridge between justice and medicine constitutes a big opportunity in a rich ground of scientific research on the ethical and legal level and on the experimental level.

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