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Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology Reports

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Hydatid cyst of the uterus: A rare localization

4th International Webinar on Clinical Microbiology and Immunology

October 27, 2021 WEBINAR

Issam Loukil

Pr Associate, Tunisia

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Microbiology and Biotechnology Reports

Abstract :

We here report the case of B.J, a 83-year-old patient with no previous history, presenting with intermittent abdominal pain evolving over the last few months. Physical examination revealed the presence of a firm, subumbilical mass that was tender to palpation. Ultrasound showed two multivesicular hydatid cysts (Gharbi’s classification type 3) located in segments III and IV of the liver and multilocular right latero-uterine cyst. Serologic test was positive. Tumor markers were negative. Abdominopelvic CT scan showed two adjacent multivesicular hydatid cysts in the left side of the liver measuring 60x40 mm (A) and a multivesicular right latero-uterine pelvic hydatid cyst measuring 110x80 mm pushing the bladder forward and the uterus to the left (B). Surgical exploration revealed the presence of left hepatic cysts (C) and a huge hydatid cyst arising from the right edge of the uterine body (D). Resection of the salient domes was performed. All the precautionary measures were implemented to avoid possible peritoneal dissemination. Anatomopathological examination confirmed the diagnosis of hydatid cysts. One-year CT scan did not show any local or peritoneal recurrence.

Biography :

Issam Loukil General Surgery Service Tataouine, Tunisia. He is a young surgeon and researcher in digestive and cancer surgery in a hospital center in southern Tunisia.

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