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The prosthetic management of a case of epulis fi ssuratum by a novel technique

31st International Webinar on Dentistry

January 06, 2022 | Webinar

Rabia Mekayssi

Mohammed V University, Morocco

ScientificTracks Abstracts: Dentistry Case Report

Abstract :

Background: The management of the epulis involves the elimination of causal factors, excision of fi brous tissue excess accompanied by an appropriate prosthetic rehabilitation. The confection of interim prosthesis or the rectifi cation of old prosthesis for the setting up of a tissue conditioner is necessary to improve the healing and prevent the decrease of the vestibule depth after the surgical exeresis. Throughout this presentation we are going to present a new technique for the correction of old prostheses poorly adapted for the management of a case of the epulis fi ssuratum. Keywords: Epulis fi ssuratum; Interim prosthesis; Conditioning tissue; Complete denture

Biography :

Mekayssi rabia specialist dentist of prosthetic dentistry and affi liated with Mohammed V University in Morocco.

Google Scholar citation report
Citations : 232

Dentistry: Case Report received 232 citations as per Google Scholar report

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