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Journal of Nursing Research and Practice

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Special Issue: Nursing-Quarantine Challenging Conditions of COVID-19 Outbreak

Nursing-Quarantine Challenging Conditions of COVID-19 Outbreak

The motivation behind this special issue is to evaluate the information, disposition, and conduct of the medical attendants concerning COVID-19 that is a useful way to deal with redesign the avoidance and control methodology in comparable circumstances utilizing preventive endeavours.

COVID-19 is a profoundly infectious disease, clinic related transmission of the infection is as yet an extremely huge danger to human services laborers, and nurses are at the forefronts of care and are therefore increasingly defenseless to disease.

The greater part of Nurses work includes direct contact with patients. As medical attendants Nurses have high vulnerability to COVID-19, it is important to set up clinic explicit conventions to decrease the danger of medical caretakers' contamination in cooperation’s with COVID-19 patients.

Following an outbreak of COVID-19 our “Journal of Nursing Research and Practice” is announcing Special issue Call for paper on “Nursing-Quarantine Challenging Conditions of COVID-19 Outbreak”. We welcome both solicited and unsolicited submissions that will contribute to this special issue.

Submission Process

• Special issue articles can include both original unpublished research articles and review articles related to the specific theme
• Manuscripts will be accepted for publishing in the special issue only after getting approved by the peer review committee.
• All the articles in special issues should strictly adhere to journal style and formatting.
• Each special issue can be created with 5-7 articles.
• All accepted manuscripts can be submitted online via https://www.pulsus.com/submissions/nursing-research-practice.html or through an email id to editor@pulsus.com.

Submission should be accompanied by a cover letter with reference to the concerned special issue theme.

Please visit Instruction for author’s page to know more about article formatting and guidelines: https://www.pulsus.com/journal-nursing-research-practice/instructions-to-authors.html

Google Scholar citation report
Citations : 50

Journal of Nursing Research and Practice received 50 citations as per Google Scholar report

Journal of Nursing Research and Practice peer review process verified at publons