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Journal of Experimental and Clinical Microbiology

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Biocontrol potentials of microbial surfactants on certain plant pathogens


Microbial surfactants are valuable microbial amphiphilic molecules with effective surface active and biological properties applicable in several industries and processes; environmentally it's more compatible than chemically synthesized surfactants. They are a structurally diverse group and unlike chemically synthesized surfactants, which are classified according to the nature of their polar group, they are categorized mainly by their chemical composition and their microbial origin commonly referred as bio surfactants or Microbial surfactants. In general, their structure includes a hydrophilic moiety consisting of amino acids, peptidesanions or cations, mono-, di-, or polysaccharides, and a hydrophobic moiety consisting of unsaturated or saturated fatty acids. Biosurfactants can have a positive, negative or a neutral charge and this is determined by their hydrophilic moieties. Several biosurfactants from microbes have antimicrobial activity against plant pathogens and therefore they are considered to a promising biocontrol molecule for achieving sustainable agriculture

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Citations : 46

Journal of Experimental and Clinical Microbiology received 46 citations as per Google Scholar report
