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Current Research: Integrative Medicine

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Combining biomaterials with regenerative medicine

Author(s): Daniel Watson

This study intends to highlight recent biomaterial-based regenerative medicine. The development of regenerative medicine has sparked significant attention around the globe, with "The augmentation of cell function" serving as one of its key tenets. An important area of regenerative medicine, for instance, is drug research on drug screening, with the goal of effectively evaluating therapeutic effects. Enhancing cell activity in the body is essential for drug research since there is a gap in the evaluation of drugs due to the different cell conditions between in vitro and in vivo. The advancement oregenerative medicine depends on biomaterial technology because these materials effectively support cell culture or cell transplantation with high cell viability or activity. Consequently, it has been noted that regenerative medicine can be integrated with biomaterials. The research goal of regenerative medicine should be related to the characteristics of the biomaterial being studied in biomaterial-based regenerative medicine research. In this review, biomaterials are used to introduce regenerative medicine

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Citations : 67

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