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Journal of Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology

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Management and organizational bibliometric techniques

Author(s): Antonio Pezone

One of the most significant responsibilities for furthering an area of study is synthesising previous research findings. To make sense of previous findings, scholars have historically utilised two approaches: the qualitative approach of a systematic literature review and the quantitative technique of meta-analysis. We offer a third method, science mapping, which is based on bibliometric research methods' quantitative approach and is increasingly being utilised to map the structure and evolution of scientific domains and specialties. Science mapping examines the relationships between disciplines, fields, specialities, and individual articles using bibliometric methodologies. It creates a spatial representation of the findings that is similar to a map. Classification and visualisation are combined in science mapping. The goal is to separate elements into distinct categories in order to provide a representation of the study area's structure. After that, visualisation is employed to generate a visual representation of the categorization that is discovered. Narrative literature reviews are prone to researcher bias and frequently lack rigour.

Google Scholar citation report
Citations : 155

Journal of Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology received 155 citations as per Google Scholar report

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