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Current Research: Integrative Medicine

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Model for Integrative Psychotherapy in a Patient with Pain: A Clinical Case

Author(s): Cristina Caldeira University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain

Model for Integrative Psychotherapy in a Patient with Pain: A Clinical Case

Cristina Caldeira

University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain



The Pain Multidisciplinary Unit of the Centro Hospitalar Lisboa Norte, Hospital de Santa Maria, has a multi-disciplinary approach to the problem of pain, in which psycho-therapeutic intervention plays a complementary role to the care given to patients, with the purpose of teaching them strategies they can help them better cope with their pain and reorganize themselves within their limitations. This article aims to show the psycho-


therapeutic work that has been carried out, as well as its relevant moments (crisis containment, returning the synthesis of the problem, formulating the therapeutic contract, evaluation of the subjects internal dynamics, developing the therapeutic alliance, constant tweaking of the therapeutic relation, growing autonomous, and finalizing the therapeutic relation) with a clinical case as an example.



Keywords Pain psychology. Integrative psycho-therapeutic intervention. Relevant moments.



Google Scholar citation report
Citations : 67

Current Research: Integrative Medicine received 67 citations as per Google Scholar report

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