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Nanotechnology Letters

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Overview of nanoantibiotics

Author(s): Nida Fatima*

The creation of new antibiotics was required due to the major clinical issues caused by bacterial strains resistant to antimicrobial therapies like antibiotics. Recently, new antibacterial substances termed as "nanoantibiotics" have been found to be nanostructures with particle sizes ranging from 1 nm to 100 nm. In numerous investigations, it has been demonstrated that nanomaterials have stronger antibacterial effects on both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria.

Examples of nanoparticle uses in the biomedical fields include antibacterial nanofilms for medical implants, restorative substances to avoid bacterial harm, and antibacterial immunizations to control bacterial infections. This opinion emphasizes the importance of nanoparticles and various nanosized materials as antimicrobial agents based on their size, nature.

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