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Journal of Materials Engineering and Applications

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Author(s): Mehrnaz Moattar

 ABSTRACT: Photonics, the Science and Technology of light, together with optics are essential technologies for all nations. Photonics concentrates on 5 parts of highest economics including information technology and telecom, energy and environment, innovative manufacturing, defense and homeland safety and biomedicine. In a neuroscience research group, the following goals can be considered. Generation of circuit maps that differ in resolution from synapses to the total brain, production of a active image of the working brain, making relation among brain activity to behavior with interventional apparatuses that alter neural circuit dynamics and development of advanced equipment to comprehend the human brain and treat its disorders such as light sheet microscopy apparatus, planning a ‘wearable’ microscope, developing new protein

Google Scholar citation report
Citations : 30

Journal of Materials Engineering and Applications received 30 citations as per Google Scholar report
