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International Journal of Anatomical Variations

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Variant formation of sural nerve and its distribution at the dorsum of the foot

Author(s): Devi Sankar K*, Sharmila Bhanu P, Susan PJ and Gajendra K

Sural nerve is a sensory nerve, which supplies the skin of the posterolateral aspect of the distal third of leg, lateral malleolus, along the lateral side of foot and little toe. The sural nerve’s anatomy is broadly studied in man, because it is one of the most frequently used sensory nerves in transplantation. Here is an unusual type of formation of sural nerve, from common peroneal nerve is reported. Being variant in its origin, terminal branches of the sural nerve also supplied the adjacent sides of 5th and 4th toe instead of superficial peroneal nerve. Understanding the variations of sural nerve in its formation, course and distribution may have an important role in the clinical and surgical procedures.

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Citations : 2426

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