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Editorial Office, Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Disease, Portugal


  • Perspective   
    The influence of BMI on adaptive immune cells in human bone marrow
    Author(s): Paul Arya*

    Obesity has been linked to oxidative stress and chronic inflammation. In the aetiology of age-related disorders like immunosenescence, both states are crucial. By secreting chemicals that affect the phenotypic of immune cells, adipose tissue can modify how the immune system responds to foreign invaders. It has been demonstrated in mice that the Bone Marrow (BM) is crucial for the upkeep of adaptive immune cells that have encountered antigens. Recently, various research teams have looked into how long effector/memory T cells can survive in the human BM. Despite this, it is unknown if having a high Body Mass Index (BMI) will have an impact on the generation of chemicals that support the maintenance of immune cells in the BM. In matched BM and PB samples taken from people with various BMIs, the frequency and phenotype of immune cell groups were assessed by flow cytometry. The expression .. Read More»
    DOI: 10.37532/puljcmid.2022.5(6).54-55
