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  • Research Article   
    Evidence for charge of the photon: 694nm red laser photons perturb a static magnetic field and movement in organic paper material exposed to sunlight
    Author(s): Rachel Haywood*

    Photons, described by particle and wave theories, are accepted not to possess mass, charge nor deflected by a magnetic field. During electron-spin-resonance experiments, hair containing melanin was 694 nm laser- irradiated. An ‘offresonance’ at laser-firing was observed in a time-scan at constant magnetic field, whilst monitoring laser-induced radical formation. It was hypothesized coherent photons interacted with the magnetic field. The radical g-value was invariant in successive field-scans, although the hair melted. Melanin, in the solid state in hair, does not exhibit temperature-dependent paramagnetism. 4.3 – 9.8 x 1018 photons in 1.2 – 2.7 J per pulse impact a 1.8 x 10-5 m2 hair surface area, and a mean 72% ‘off resonance’ signal-drop is determined from the time-scan, which translates to a field-shift of 4 G or 4 x 10-4 T. This is the same or.. Read More»
    DOI: 10.37532/ puljmap.2023 .6(1); 01-11

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