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Climatology & Weather Forecasting Importance

Since it helps determine future climate expectations, climatology and weather forecasting is important. One can determine the likelihood of snow and hail reaching the surface through the use of latitude. From the sun that is accessible to a region, we can also be able to identify the thermal energy. The scientific study of climates is Climatology, which is defined as the mean weather conditions over a period of time. A branch of study within atmospheric sciences, it also takes into account the variables and averages of short-term and long-term weather conditions. Historical climatology fundamentally focuses on climate changes throughout the effects of the climate and history on people and events over time. Journal of climatology & weather forecasting is a peer reviewed and open access journal involves a broad range of field in its field to create a platform for the authors to make their valuable contributions towards the journal and the peer review process encourages the publishing of reliable, quality and important articles for the authors and readers of scientific field and scholarly academic.

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