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Surgery: Case Report

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Accelerated antibacterial and wound healing activity in full thickness chronic wounds by iodine loaded chitosan encapsulated graphene oxide nanocomposite

2nd World Congress on Otolaryngology and Wound Care

August 30, 2021 | Webinar

Priyanka Chhabra and Amit Tyagi

Galgotias University, India
DRDO, India

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Surg Case Rep

Abstract :

Nanotechnology has emerged as a novel innovation of the century in diff erent areas of science. The development of diff erent types of nanocarriers off ers novel approaches to delivering active drug at the site of injury in a sustained and eff ective manner which could signifi cantly enhance the wound healing potential of chronic wounds. Given that, the goal of the present study is to develop nanocomposite based on chitosan, graphene oxide, and iodine as an antimicrobial agent for rapid wound healing. The prepared iodine loaded chitosan encapsulated graphene nanocomposites (I-CH-G) were characterized using diff erent techniques, such as SEM, FTIR, AFM, particle size analysis and zeta potential measurement. The average diameter of I-CH-G nanocomposite was found to be 370±1.2 nm and showed sustained release behavior. The optimized I-CH-G nanocomposite was incorporated into carbopol gel and evaluated for drug content, pH, in vitro release, texture analysis, and viscosity. In addition to that, they were also evaluated for their antimicrobial activity against Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli. Further, these nanoparticles were evaluated in- vivo for wound healing effi cacy in Sprague Dawley rats. Histopathological evaluations demonstrated that I-CH-G-NPOs showed signifi cantly enhanced wound contraction, enhanced cell adhesion, epithelial migration, and high hydroxyproline content leading to faster and more effi cient collagen synthesis as compared to plain carbopol, plain iodine and controls. Hence the topical administration of fabricated I-CH-G-nanocomposites appears to be an interesting and suitable strategy for the treatment of chronic wounds.

Google Scholar citation report
Citations : 80

Surgery: Case Report received 80 citations as per Google Scholar report

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