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Journal of Health Policy and Management

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Management system for accreditation of radiology departments in healthcare organizations


November 04-05, 2019 | Tokyo, Japan

Neven Saleh

Higher Institute of Engineering, Egypt

ScientificTracks Abstracts: Health Pol

Abstract :

Statement of the Problem: Hospital accreditation becomes a trend to be trustable for healthcare providing. In particular, laboratories/radiology departments should be in concern because they are the base line of diseases diagnosis. However, accreditation of such departments is rarely considered in the literature. This study was conducted to regard radiology departments. The aim is to develop a self assessment tool that guides radiology departments in hospitals seeking for accreditation.

Methodology: A management system was designed to identify systematic diffrences in medical planning and clinical soloutions between accredited depapartments and non accredited ones. The Joint Commission International (JCI) has been adopted as a benchmark standards. In implementation, an evaluation matrix has been established using the main processes of radiology departments versus a set of JCI standards. In addition, a questionnaire comprised of 86 questions has been developed to measure these standards. Further, by using a Likert scale to answer the questions, a score index was genertated for each process individually as well as for the overall performance. Based on the calculated scores, the department is classified into one of four groups.

Results: The system has proved its consistency, correctly separated JCI- accredited departments form non-accredited departments. Furthermore, a minimum level of JCI accreditation has been assigned.

Conclusion: The system highlights the points of strength and the points of weakness that sustain accreditation. Also, it is a selfguide tool that can eliminate the need of external consultant. Moreover, other dapratments within hospitals can take the same approach towards accreditation fulfillment.

Biography :

Neven Saleh is an assistant professor at systems and biomedical engineering department in Higher Institute of Engineering, El-shorouk Academy, Egypt. She received the B.Sc. degree in Electronics and Electrical Communication in 1999 from Mansoura University, Egypt. She received the M.Sc. degree in Systems and Biomedical Engineering in 2011 from Cairo University. In addition, the PH.D. degree in biomedical engineering from Politecnico di Toriono, Turin, Italy in 2014. She comes with over eightteen years of experience in healthcare technology management. Also, she participated in medical equipment management programs in Italian and Turkish hospitals as well as international events and conferences. The main research interest is clinical engineering and medical equipment. 

E-mail: nevensaleh76@gmail.com

Google Scholar citation report
Citations : 13

Journal of Health Policy and Management received 13 citations as per Google Scholar report
