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Psychiatry and Mental Health Research

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Broken Family and Broken Children [Tragic life of Begging Children - A Critical Analysis on their Mental Health, Self Concept, Individual Identity, Trauma, Abuse, and Parenting Conditions]

Author(s): Priyanka B*

The phenomenon of street children is an outgrowth of complex interplay of various socio- economic and cultural factors, geographical diversity, increasing disparities in wealth and income, health, high-level children abuse by parents and society, break down of traditional and consequently lead to the fact that children are forced to live on the street by earning a livelihood for themselves. The risk of exploitation is extremely high among these children where they have been subjected to vulnerabilities such as abuse, disparities, negligence, and misguidance as they are mostly guided towards begging. This has also exposed them to a lot of other exploitations such as psychological traumas, sexual abuse, broken family system, addiction, substance abuse and child marriages which they are imposed upon regularly. The role of parenting and the dynamics of the family ecosystem act as a determinant in the holistic development of a child. The fault in the system leads to faulty products that hold less value in the market and the same happens to the children who got stuck into this faulty system as well. This presentation intends to critically analyze the intensity of damages that are caused in the minds and lives of children by understanding the interplay and consequences of their Mental Health, Psychological Well-Being, Self Concept, and Individual Identity by being prone to Trauma, Abuse and Adverse Parenting Conditions. And focus on effective ways of restructuring the minds of these children who have been subjected to vulnerabilities and shape their environment and parenting conditions to assist them to develop resistance, learn about themselves and aspire for goodness, cultivate fruits out of their true potential, and thus live their life with added and enriched meaning. In this examination, we plan to add to the field of basic wellbeing correspondence look into by analyzing how thoughts of emotional well-being and disease are desultorily built in papers and magazines in six European nations and how these developments identify with explicit understandings of psychological wellness education. Utilizing the technique for group agon examination, we distinguished four phrased bunches in our information, in which psychological wellness/sickness is conceptualized as “hazardous,” “a matter of way of life,” “a one of a kind story and experience,” and “socially arranged.” We moreover found that we can’t unambiguously accept that biopsychiatric talks or talks focused on compassion and comprehension are either only vilifying or only engaging and normalizing. We thusly require a basic origination of emotional well-being education contending that all psychological wellness news associates its crowd in explicit understandings of and perspectives toward emotional wellness (information) and that talks on psychological well-being/disease can work contrastingly in shifting settings.

Google Scholar citation report
Citations : 200

Psychiatry and Mental Health Research received 200 citations as per Google Scholar report
