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Journal of Environmental Geology

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Distribution, ecological, health risk of heavy metals in croplands by urbanization

Author(s): Wilma Wilson*

The rapid rise of urbanization and urban services has resulted in the poisoning of urban soils with heavy elements, which has become a serious environmental and human health concern. The effects of urbanization on the combined pollution severity and health risk potential of heavy metals in corn-cultivated urban versus non-urban soils are explored in this study. Enrichment Factor (EF), Ecological Risk (ER), Bio Concentration Factor (BCF), Transmission Factor (TF), hazard index (HI), and Carcinogenic Risk (CR) were used in a multidimensional analysis (CR). The findings show that the concentrations of all metals in urban farmlands have increased significantly. When compared to non-urban soils, EF indicates a significant increase in all metals in the urban soil, downgrading this index from minimal enrichment (EF 2) in control soils to moderate enrichment (EF>2) in urban soils. (66.1%)>Cambisols (59.8%)>Calcisols (59.8%). (47 percent). Indicating that certain metals were not mobilised to the Children's total carcinogenic risk varied from 5.88E05 to 1.17E04, while adults' total carcinogenic risk ranged from 1.17E04 to 2.30E04, implying a higher related health risk for children.

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Citations : 103

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