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Psychiatry and Mental Health Research

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Symptoms of depression: Diagnostic criteria for depression

Author(s): Gudisa Bereda*

Depression is known as a frequent condition; which can cause more impact on quality of life, interfere with work productivity and increase sick leave and also indirectly affects other health states, including cardiovascular disease and it correlated with elevated mortality and comorbidity and accelerated health services utilization, and health care costs. According to diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders fifth edition (DSM-V), there are four common diagnostic criteria of depression, such as clinical symptoms, duration of illness, impact of quality of life and absence of other organic diseases. Depression cause either bulimia nervosa (a potentially life threating disorders characterized as living in fear of gaining weight, feeling a loss of control during bingeing, redundant episodes of eating abnormally large amounts food in one sitting, exercising too much to keep from gaining weight after bingeing, avoiding certain foods between binges and self-induced vomiting or anorexia nervosa). (An eating disorder and serious mental health condition characterized as a body image disturbance, food restriction, low weight, intense fear of weight gain, or becoming fat, commonly skipping meals, excessive exercising and eating foods those have low in fat and calories). Depressed mood is characterized as a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness, angry that interfere with an individual’s daily activities, not getting any enjoyment out of life and loss of pleasure.

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Citations : 200

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