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Journal of Pulmonology

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The spanish society of pulmonology and thoracic surgery on the use of telemedicine in mechanical ventilation and sleep-disordered breathing

Author(s): Sanvi Malik*

The Spanish Society of Pulmonology and Thoracic Surgery published a position paper on sleep disordered breathing, notably in relation to positive pressure treatment, as a result of the rapid adoption of new information and communication technologies in medical practise. It should be noted that the lack of sizable, randomised, multicenter studies with extensive follow-up has resulted in some controversy in the scholarly literature. Additionally, there are a large range of telemetry tools and systems available. The recommendations are therefore mostly based on the agreement of knowledgeable professionals. The clear lack of rules on telemedicine and the activities of commercial organisations is another crucial issue that is covered in great detail in this article. Patient individualization is the y-element

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Citations : 117

Journal of Pulmonology received 117 citations as per Google Scholar report
