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Editorial Office, Journal of Environmental Microbiology, UK


  • Opinion   
    The impact of bio stimulation on oil degradation and microbial community composition in a contaminated desert soil using sewage sludge, soybean meal, and wheat straw
    Author(s): Amelia Brown*

    Due to their significant nutrient content and practical economics, waste materials have a strong potential for the bioremediation of oil-contaminated locations. We induced oil deterioration in a highly contaminated desert soil using sewage sludge, soybean meal, and wheat straw. Gas chromatographymass spectrometry-mass spectrometry and other methods were used to monitor changes in the composition of the bacterial community while illumine MiSeq was used to track changes in oil degradation. While the addition of soybean meal had no effect on the amount of CO2 produced given the high respiration activity of the soybean meal alone, the addition of sewage sludge and wheat straw increased the respiration activity to a level 3.2 times–3.4 times greater than in the untreated soil. In the soils treated with sewage sludge and wheat straw, the degradation of almost 90% of the C14 to C.. Read More»
    DOI: 10.37532/puljem 22.4(1).1
