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Editorial Office,Journal of Environmental Microbiology, UK


  • Perspective   
    Strategies for salinity acclimation in nitrifying bioreactors
    Author(s): Arthur Barnes*

    Aquaculture is one of many businesses that produces effluents with high or changing salt concentrations. Due to the sensitivity of the bacteria involved in the biological nitrification process to salinity, treating such effluents might be difficult. It is crucial to maintain high nitrification efficiency during salinity fluctuations in some circumstances, such as in Recirculating Aquaculture Systems (RAS), to avoid ammonia and nitrite toxicity. As a result, appropriate techniques are needed to make nitrifying bioreactors resistant to changes in salinity. It has been demonstrated that nitrifying bioreactors can adapt to salinity variations over a number of days, despite the fact that salinity changes can have an impact on nitrification performance. The physiological adaptation of the existing microorganisms or the selection of microorganisms adapted to that salinity regime may be the c.. Read More»
    DOI: 10.37532/ puljem.21.3 (1).1-2
