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Editorial Office , Journal of Environmental Microbiology, UK


  • Letter to the Editor   
    The presence of Sutterella spp. in mucosa and their interactions with the epithelium suggest commensalism.
    Author(s): Kennedy Lewis*

    Although Sutterella species have repeatedly been linked to human illnesses such as autism, down syndrome, and Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), it is still unknown how these bacteria affect health. Despite the species being so common, little is known about the interactions of Sutterella spp. with the host. In this investigation, we focused on the interaction of three well-known Sutterella species with the intestinal epithelium and investigated their adhesion characteristics, impact on the function of the intestinal barrier, and in vitro pro-inflammatory capability. Additionally, we looked at the relative presence and abundance of the genus Sutterella and Sutterella wadsworthensis in intestinal biopsies from healthy people and those who had Celiac Disease (CeD) or Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD). Our findings demonstrate a gradient of decreasing Sutterella spp. abundance in the duoden.. Read More»
    DOI: 10.37532/ puljem.22.4 (1).1-2
