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Journal of Food and Drug Research

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Food fermentations that involve redox reactions

Author(s): Paulo Brown*

Food fermentations are frequently carried out without the active addition of air. The redox processes during the fermentation must be in balance because oxygen will only be momentarily available, with the probable exception of surface bacteria. The early stages of the routes for the production of ATP from carbohydrate fermentation often contain oxidative processes, whereas a variety of other reactions are used as compensating reductions. A large portion of the differences across food fermentations can be attributed to the various pathways and electron acceptors that microbes employ to balance the first oxidative processes. his study provides a brief overview of the methods used by microbes in food fermentations to locate the most suitable electron acceptors, enabling them to maintain a balance in their metabolic processes. The variety of utilised acceptors produces a variety of metabolic end products, which in turn influence the variety of taste, colour, texture, and shelf life. The review comes to the conclusion that these reactions are still little understood and that they provide an exciting topic for basic research as well as a fruitful field for product development through a more deliberate utilisation of the redox characteristics of strains used to create food cultures.

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Citations : 30

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