Mini Review
Nutraceuticals which are used as skin shield: A Review of the Evidence
Author(s): Rachel Sanders*
Nutraceuticals are essential for maintaining healthy skin. Nutraceuticals like as probiotics, phenolics, and vitamins are among the nutraceuticals that may help prevent and manage dermatologic diseases. Probiotics, vitamin E, and green tea catechins may provide the most comprehensive set of skin-protective mechanisms, with probiotics having the broadest therapeutic application. Recent study has focused on the effects of probiotics on atopic dermatitis and opportunistic infections of skin burns. This contains a p = 0.02 improvement in Scoring Atopic Dermatitis index scores when intact Lactobacillus rhamnosus Goldin and Gorbach (LGG) was used instead of heat inactivated LGG or a placebo. Lactobacillus reuteri, whether given before or after a Staphylococcus aureus infection, can improve epidermal keratinocyte survival, p 0.01. It's possible that phenolics haven't been thoroughly .. Read More»